Your Finest Hour
He won the war but lost the peace; Winston Churchill pulled Britain through WWII with growing popularity, right up until the general election.
My Way by Frank Sinatra
Richie Webb
Series 6 Episode 10
In ’44 we turned the war
D-Day made sure the foe retreated
In ’45 our troops survived
But in the vote I am defeated
The masses spoke, though victory's mine
Chose some old bloke, ungrateful swine
There goes my power, what should have been
My finest hour
Back in ’36 I tried to fix
The mad idea Hitler was charming
Then in ’38, though I gained weight
So did my case for re-arming
In my modest way told all I was right
But lacked support, had to sit tight
Till ’39, justice was mine
Their finest hour
Though often feared that we might lose
I kept my faith, words well I’d choose:
“Time to bear and endure”
“Never Surrender”
“Blood, toil, tears and sweat”
“We shall go on to the end”
“Was never so much, owed to so few”.
Their finest hour.
I brought us through, excepted you
Would thank me too and show affection
But victory and love for me
Did not extend to the election
Defeating Hitler, we had to fight;
Defeating me, ballot box sufficed
That’s what we killed for, what blood was spilled for
Your finest hour
I won the war but lost the peace
I can’t complain my life did not cease
The only cross was one you wrote
Your brothers died so you could vote
Didn’t just beat me, you beat tyranny
Your finest hour!