Wreck 'Em All
Raging against the Romans, Celtic Queen Boudica sets out to destroy their armies and land. Before she knows it, she's deep into a war...
Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus
Richie Webb
Series 6 Episode 9
Fine wine, designer Roman goods I owned a fancy stash
But when my husband died the Romans cried, let’s take his cash.
Like a baby I had a little cry at this terrible stage
But before too long I had turned this song into a violent rage!
And so I had to wreck ’em all!
Tear down every Roman wall
Unleashed all my fury on
Every Roman Centurion.
I led a Celtic army and we smashed the Roman crew.
Took London, St. Albans, Camulodunum - that’s Colchester to you.
Rather than end up dead, Romans turned and fled from our uprising.
Their soldiers took flight, cowards found our fight unappetising.
And so I had to wreck ’em all
Took no prisoners at all.
Burned those cowards down to the ground
Killed every Roman I found.
I never meant to start a war - actually that’s not so -
Just wanted every Roman to pack up their villa and go!
So Roman Britain starts to fall!
Shame I hadn’t reckoned all
These legions would arrive from Rome
And we’re fighting them for our homes.
Won’t stop till I deck ’em all
Every soldier, every General
My plan was just to go berserk
And wrecking seems to work, to work, to work.
To work, to work, to work.