Vikings & Garfunkel
There was more to the Vikings than plundering and pillages. In fact, some of those who settled were quite peaceful.
Simon & Garfunkel
Richie Webb
Series 5 Episode 2
We Vikings have an awful reputation with your nation
But when we’d finished plundering and pillages… made nice villages.
Any place name ending –thorpe or –kirk or –by was us, you see;
Scunthorpe, Ormskirk, Wetherby, Scarborough fair…
We named them, yeah.
We split your isles diagonally from south-east to north-west.
Our section called the Danelaw, King Alfred ruled the rest.
Think we’re scary? No don’t flee
Conquered Saxons would find we
Settled and lived in harmony.
Vike-England; though we began as raiders
So well-planned, you accepted us as traders.
We introduced some new terms: husband, gasp, egg, awkward, nag, leg.
More than fifty words to leave your lingo, to your liking, thank a Viking.
Your little town of Swansea City named for our King Sweyn.
Waterford and Dublin, us old Norse Vikings again.
As farmers we made doubly sure to respect agriculture.
With us, locals felt secure.
Norse-Scotland; large parts of that whole region
Norse got land; were improved by Norwegians.
London Bridge is falling down, the nursery rhyme comes from our time.
Vikings played key roles; in 1014 it was pulled down
By Olaf Haraldsson (you can call him Ol).
In a dispute with King Canute, Olaf’s side won.
Ethelred returned as king and could be heard proclaiming
“Here’s to you, Olaf Haraldsson”.
Vike-England; we swapped our life of violence.
Norse-Scotland; to enjoy the sound of silence.
There’s no doubt under Viking rule, Britain did improve-y
Feelin’ groovy.
And that’s no lie la-lie, la, la, lie.