The Ages of Stone
Spanning two and a half million years, there's actually several different eras within the Stone Age.
Dave Cohen
Series 3 Episode 10
I’m sure you’ve heard the Stone Age occurred for two and a half million years
But there’s more of Stone Age to engage than maybe it first appears.
Dinosaurs, Neanderthals, let’s make this clearer
Didn’t live together, came from different eras.
That’s not all I can tell you, so much more to be known
About the many phases in the ages of stone.
Shooby-dooby-doo-wah; it’s all the rage
To skiddly-bup-do-wah brush up on your Stone Age.
Oh yeah, all right!
It’s fine to define an era Palaeolithic
But you’re gonna have to be a little more specific
Do you mean Lower, when ancient beings first used tools?
Or Middle Palaeolithic when Neanderthal ruled?
That’s when Homo sapien starts to emerge
But just in Africa, it’s long before the global surge.
Not till Upper Palaeolithic, 40, 000 years ago
Did Neanderthal and Homo sapiens say hello.
Neanderthal and Homo sapi
Living in caveman harmony.
Language was invented, cave painting art
Then Palaeolithic ended which meant the start
Of phase two-be-doo-be-doo-wah, turn a new page
Skiddly-bap-doo-wah bug up on the Stone Age.
Oh yeah, all right!
This is where it starts to get all scientific
Palaeolithic’s followed by the era Mesolithic
Then Neanderthals are wiped out by the ice age, horrific
After which the Neolithic age was terrific.
Man learned to farm, built homes so they could settle
Then some other folks turned up and they discovered metal
Bigger men from Europe found bronze and outgrown
The simple and traditional ways of stone.
Bronze Age was invented, by now man was flying
‘Cos hot on it’s heels came the age of iron.
Celts, Druids, religion then Rome
By now a distant memory, those ages of stone.
Shooby-dooby-doo-wah; since that metallic stage
Skiddly-bap-doo-wah; there was no more Stone Age.
Shooby-dooby-doo-wah; now you know what is known
About the many phases of the ages of stone
Yeah! All right!