The Warlords From Hell
Vlad the Impaler, Attila the Hun, Shaka Zulu and Genghis Khan are some of the most ruthless rulers from history! The fierce four rock on about their rise to power, lots of killing and their own deaths in ‘Warlords from Hell’!
Highway to Hell by AC/DC
Richie Webb
Series 7 Episode 8 (Ruthless Rulers)
Vlad the Impaler! Attila Hun!
Genghis Khan or “Khan-age” to my chums!
Diplomacy – was not a fan.
But when it comes to killing, Shaka can!
Spiked my enemies, hence ‘Impaler’
I like to have ‘em on a stake with my dinner!
I eat flesh of wolves! Attila Hum.
Smashed all countries before breakfast begun!
We were the Warlords from Hell!
Specialise in death and upheaval.
The Warlords from Hell
Find in the dictionary under “evil”.
Try the torturers, lock up your daughter-ers
Warlords from Hell!
Seven thousand I had to snuff
‘Cos when my mummy died they didn’t cry enough.
On rampages through villages,
Sixty thousand killed by pillages and stuff.
My Huns terrorised the Roman Empire
I killed a million left them all to expire.
Mongol Kingdom stretched Europe to China
I must have killed forty million – could have gone higher!
We were the Warlords from Hell!
Killed my bro’, mine tried to kill me - they wish!
The Warlords from Hell!
Killed my bruv’, he wouldn’t give back my fish.
People thought I inspired the story of Dracula -
Not killed by stake through heart but death still spectacular.
Died while out hunting, I fell off my horse.
Killed by those pesky half siblings of course!
Tough guy, Attila, you die in a fight?
I died… nose bleed on my wedding night.
We were the Warlords from Hell!
All that’s left of your town is burnt embers
World gone to pot, we’re as bad as it got
Warlords from Hell!