Back in USSR
With the success of its revolution, Russia becomes part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - or, the USSR. Things are about to get big.
Back in the U,S.S.R. by The Beatles
Richie Webb
Series 7 Episode 9 (Revolting Russian Revolution)
So, we won the day, it’s all changed here
A new country, Russia now part of Union
Of Soviet Socialists Republics -
Don’t exactly roll of the tongue
So we say USSR.
Sounds great when played on guitar, boy
Yes, we’re the USSR.
Marx said it couldn’t work
And Russia said it would never stick.
But in 1922 and in other countries too
And in the future we became even more big, big, gigantic!
Revolution here has been a great success
Red’s no longer under the bed.
Nicholas the Second, everybody reckons,
Much better ruler now he’s dead.
I’m back in USSR
We said ta-ta to the Tsar boy.
Back in USS, back in USS,
Back in USSR!