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They Were the Heroes

Martin Luther King Jr. introduces you to the many names that helped the American Civil Rights movement, alongside real film and pictures.


Heroes by David Bowie


Richie Webb


Series 7 Episode 5 (Heroic Heroes & Villains)


I’m Martin Luther King and I, I had a dream.

It’s said the victory of Civil Rights

Was brought about thanks to me

But there were many, many more who made it reality.


They were the heroes

Who made a dream come true.


A Southern Christian Leadership Group was formed

Supported by black and white.

Police arrested me, thirty times

Like that would make me give up the fight.


Black and white kept apart

At school and even water fountains

But President Johnson’s bold civil rights laws

Helped me climb further up the mountain.


They were the heroes every day.


“I have a dream that one day

My children will not be judged by the colour of their skin

But by the content of their character.”


When my life was ended,

Theirs did begin

Within days of my assassination

Legislation was ushered in.


And they were the heroes

Who made the dream come true.

And they were the heroes

Who made the dream come true.


Horrible Histories Series 9 Episode 1 - British Black History Animated Special - 15 SONG T

The Sons of Africa

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Rosa Parks: I Sat on a Bus

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Dance, Dance, Joesephine Baker


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