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Alexander the Great (Fighter)


Invader, ruler and full-time fighter Alexander the Great seeks more, more, more. Is he unstoppable?

Song from Series 5 Episode 6

Stadium Rock parody


Alexander is my name, Macedonia's most famous
Commander history calls the Great but I prefer the Greatest.
A king aged only 20 when my dad assassinated
Advisors called for calm but frankly peace is overrated.

Crushed rebels in Greek city states, saw thousands of them martyrs
Made short labour of my neighbours and that was just for starters.

Full time fighter
Made my home rule secure but that wasn't enough
I wanted more, more, more.

And so began my master plan to conquer by invasion
Started with dad's enemy the famous Persian nation
Ruler Darius had far more troops, an inconvenience
But I won then thrashed Egypt I'm a military genius.

Founded Egypt's Alexandria, named for the greatest man alive.
I was now pharaoh and king of Persia, not bad for 25!

Victorious fighter
The Greatest sounds flat, how about the 'Living God'?
Yeah, I'll buy that.

My loyal followers said that's the stuff
But I, a born warrior, said it's not enough
Let's take India, last man there's a fool
Started wearing Persian clothes, boy, I looked so cool
But made my troops suspicious, men called me too ambitious
Said they wouldn't follow me - guitar solo, Ptolemy!

'Cos of me, Ptolemy, he'll go far
He'll found the dynasty that ends with Cleopatra.
Then there's Hephaestion, my best friend of course
Unless you count Bucephalus but he's a horse.
Why the long face my friend?

Anyway together it was going grand
Till Heph and Bucy died and my men took a stand.
I wanted to continue by my hands were tied
So I sat in my tent and I cried.

No more a fighter
Adventures had to stop 'Cos 323 BC saw me drop... dead.




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