The Borgia Family
Meet the 15th century family that rose to prominence during the Spanish Renaissance, mixed up in money, murder and more power than is good for them.
The Addams Family Theme
Richie Webb
Series 4 Episode 9
Lucrezia, Giovanni, Gioffre and Cesare
Italian barmy army, the Borgia Family.
Our daddy was Rodrigo - I had a monstrous ego -
When he makes trouble we go, the Borgia Family.
Our tale begins Renaissance Spain, it’s leaders were a shower
And I run out of patience so began my quest for power
I splashed my cash to all the Papal Cardinals in hope
That they’d be bought, they were, in short, and I became the Pope.
More power than I oughta; blood’s thicker than water
Appoint my sons and daughter to run a dynasty.
With daddy as the Pope I could do as I pleased, was ace
I’d kill a man who dared to, like, invade my personal space.
I found a husband for Lucrezia, rich Giovanni Sforza.
Do you love him? Yes, of course, but love is power and money more so.
Now married to the Sforza’s, this opens up new doorses
They world bows down before us, the Borgia/Sforza family
Oh yes and while we’re at it we will marry son Gioffre
Aged twelve but so what soon will be, the Borgia/Sforza and the Naples family.
When the Sforza family eventually bores ya
We'll just annul the marriage if he refuses to divorce ya.
Don’t I get a say? Don’t fret, for you another man I’ll get
Alfonso of Aragon - I like him this could go on and on.
You like him? I’ve gone off him, his pretty face makes me wince.
You killed him! Yeah I’m the model for Machiavelli’s Prince.
Giovanni run the army but Cesare said - no way!
i’ll kill you if you cross me, I might kill you anyway.
I am the mostest powerfulest, evilest of all
As long as dad’s alive there’s not a single chance I’ll fall.
We suddenly lost status, it seems the whole world hate us
They excommunicate us, the Borgia Family