Pioneers of Transportation
Meet George Stephenson, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Henry Ford and the Wright Brothers, revolutionising transportation!
Greased Lightnin' from Grease
Richie Webb
Series 5 Episode 8
With imagination
And perspiration
We revolutionised transportation!
Stephenson’s the name and my steam engine’s the best you will find
(It was the Rocket, it was called the Rocket)
It pulled a train that carried passengers and was the first of its kind
(Caused a commotion, doing the locomotion)
Was best by miles, and won top prize at the Rainhill Trials.
The Lords said it was dangerous then saw how many tickets could sell
(The toffs were off it, til they saw a profit)
And so he paved the way for me I’m Isambard Kingdom Brunel
(An engineer, and famous pioneer)
Railways off pat - a massive hat - and to top that
I was a tunnel building, bridge creating, hard grafting, ship crafting
Polymath in search of a way
To take my train through my tunnel, cross my bridge to my ship
And sail me fastest to the USA.
My steam ship, it made the trip in just fourteen days!
There across the ocean was clever old me I’m quite a star
(He’s Henry Ford, yes that’s what he’s called)
My assembly lines the first to make it cheap to buy a motor car
(From Henry Ford, cars you can afford)
I think you’ll find made just one kind, but never mind
I was the fastest rating, car creating, introducing, mass producing
Original Model T guy.
We took an engine, a bird wing, some bike skills
Worked until we found out how machines did fly
Not just a hop - but non-stop - gonna get high, high, high!
I’m Orville, was the brains
The brawn, my brother Wilbur Wright
We refined the plane and made the first sustained flight
Our engine small, but powerful, propelled to a great height!
They were supreme, our mean machines; the stuff of dreams!
We were creative, inventive, progress our incentive
Always searching for a solution.
We took some steel and a wheel, made a plane, car and train
And created a revolution.
Hard to believe what we achieved
Looking back, we helped change tack.
Transport was duller, we added colour
Well, as long as it’s black.