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The Grime Master St. Jerome


Your old mucker St. Jerome has some funky ideas about cleanliness.

Song from Series 7 Episode 10

Grime parodies


Yo, word up brothers and sisters of Rome
Got a message from your old mucker St. Jerome
I’m sayin’ Rome’s been Christian since the fourth Century
Takin’ a bath that’s just so BC.


Look at me and my posse of Roman bellas
This is Leah, this is Paula and this is Marcella..
When I met ‘em they was real proper Roman wags
Now they stink to high Heaven and they’re wearing wags.


It don’t matter if your body smells like something obscene
If the outside is dirty then the inside is clean.

That’s grime! It ain’t no crime! Grime! We’re doing fine!
That’s grime! It ain’t no crime we’re doing fine in our own grime.


I’m a man and a monk and I’m mad as a monkey
I don’t care if folk’ll swear I smell a little bit funky.
All the guys who are gagging out they won’t be laughing
When they don’t get into Heaven for too much bathing.


Look them Pagans all smell lovely there ain’t no denying
And I guess not washing does increase your danger of dying
They got saunas and steam rooms, they’re healthy and strong
But we’ve got something better, bro, and that’s our own pong!


Grime! It ain’t no crime! Grime! We’re doing fine!
That’s grime! It ain’t no crime we’re doing fine in our own grime.





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