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The Plays What I’ve Written


Shakespeare takes the stage and smashes out the titles of every one of his plays!

Parody of It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine) by R.E.M


That’s right it starts 1589

Yes all these plays of mine

Well, if you’ve got the time…


First up Two Gentlemen of Verona

Play number two was The Taming of the Shrew

Then Henry the Sixth Part Two and Three and

Titus Andronicus, I wrote that too.


Henry Six Part One, kind of a prequel

Henry Three, Richard Three, keeping it regal.

Theatre’s close. Uh-oh, no shows, what to do?

Wrote Sonnets instead - love poems, do you?


Back on track with Comedy of Errors,

Love’s Labours Lost, Love’s Labours Won.

History beckoned, Richard the Second,

I make that a dozen I’ve done.


Romeo and Juliet, I nicked the plot, is where it’s set

Midsummer Night’s Dream, King John (no sweat).

Merchant of Venice, Merry Wives of Windsor

Henry the Fourth, two parts for my sins.


A list of the plays what I wroted

And you’ll find what I wrote often quoted

My back catalogue is looking bloated

Deep breath time…


Much Ado About Nothing, Henry the Fifth

And Julius Caesar, As You Like It.

To be or not to be, Hamlet was writ by me

Twelfth Night, alright, Troilus and Cressida.


Measure for Measure, Othello, All’s Well

Oh dear, King Lear, that didn’t end well!

Timon of Athens and Macbeth

Antony and Cleo, I ain’t finished yet!


A list of the plays what I’ve written

I’m the greatest playwright in Great Britain

Still some more though, if you’re not yet smitten

One last time…


Pericles, Prince of Trye, Coriolanus,

Winter’s Tale, Cymbeline, The Tempest (famous),

Cardenio, Henry Eight and then last up

It’s Two Noble Kingsmen!


The end of the list that I wroted

Not unreasonable how much I’ve gloated

Your respect for my work, duly noted



My plays they did bubble and boil

Yes, I brought new life into the soil

Fit for shuffling off this mortal coil

Stood the test of time…

Who’s name do you all remember?




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