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Learn Your Hieroglyphics

Buckle up and get ready to master the rules of hieroglyphics - the writing system of the Ancient Egyptians.


ABC by the Jackson 5


Dave Cohen / Ben Ward


Series 2 Episode 8


Settle down class, now you've passed your grade one pyramid selling

Yeah, the time has come for me to drum some facts into you about spelling.

Oh, it seems to me your ABC skills are less than terrific

So buck up, boys, as we master the joys of the lovely hieroglyphics!


Everyone needs their ABC, it's as simple as vulture, foot, basket.

You know how to sing do-re-mi; easy to spell it's hand, eye-thingy, owl.

ABC - Vulture, foot, basket

Do-re-mi - Hand, eye-thingy, owl.


You'll pass with ease and find it's a breeze the rules are scientific.

Don't have to be smart, all you do is start with simple phonetic glyphics.

Next you get two letters a set, more things called logographic.

Finally third, the form of a word, determinatives - horrific!


Everyone needs their flamingo, house, sun

It's simple, but some can mean duck, everyone.

You all know how to write your name -

Except for me, Tutan Nephertiti Khamun.


Flamingo, house, sun - means duck to some.

Tutan Nephertiti Khamun - let's leave that one.


If you find it hard, don't be afraid to go and ask your mummy for aid.

Now it's time for a spelling bee - that's not how you spell bee, see me

Foot, reed, reed - easy!


Cat, pig, dog, rat, dog, frog; make your spelling magnific

You can go up and down, left and right and around

No punctuation in hieroglyphics.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, just seven hundred characters or so.

Now that's done, let's have some fun with numbers, here we go!


Everyone needs their 1, 2, 3

It's as simple as eye, eye, eye, eye, eye, eye

You can all count to ninety-nine

Easy to write it's hoop, hoop, hoop, hoop, hoop, hoop, hoop, hoop, hoop

Eye, eye, eye, eye, eye, eye, eye, eye, eye, eye


1, 2, 3 -

Eye, eye, eye, eye, eye, eye

Ninety-nine --

Hoop, hoop, hoop, hoop, hoop, hoop, eye, eye, eye, eye, eye, eye, eye, eye, eye, eye... Basket?


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Wake Like an Egyptian


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