Mambo No. 10
Queen Victoria had ten different Prime Ministers heading up twenty different governments during her reign. But can she name them all? You bet she can...
Mambo No. 5 by Lou Bega
Howard Read
Series 8 Episode 8 (Putrid Politics)
One, two, three, four, ten
I can count them up to five and count five again
Prime ministers, Tory, Liberal and Whig
They try to tell one what to do, but one doesn’t give a fig.
A little bit of Melbourne in my life
A little bit of Peel by my side
A little bit of Russell, that was all I need
A little bit of Derby, who was he?
A little bit of Aberdeen, please don’t go
A little bit of Palmerstone, oh dear, no
A little bit of Derby, seriously, who?
What, more Palmerston? No, thanks – boo!
One, two, three, four, ten
I can count them up to five and count five again.
I liked Melbourne, Disraeli, Aberdeen, Peel
But I didn’t like Palmerstone, that’s just how I feel.
Mambo Number Ten.
There were some from the left
There were some from the right.
If we are not amused
They’re not doing it right!
For a time, Lord Russel re-appeared
Then someone called Derby, still no idea
Then Benjamin Disraeli but not for long
Then Gladstone, ugh, glad when he was gone.
Disraeli for encore
Then Lord Gladstone, what a bore.
A little bit of Salisbury, please don’t go
Then more Gladstone, seriously, no!
Salisbury, yes, my son!
Gladstone, please, kill one
The Earl of Rosebury, for a bit
Then more Salisbury, and that’s it.