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Bewitching Books Song

Welcome to the library of bewitching books! How many do you recognise in this World Book Day song?


Good 4 U by Olivia Rodrigo


Richie Webb


Series 10 Episode 10


Want books for you? Well, you will find them throughout history

Whether funny books or stories full of mystery

Any of these could transport you to a whole new world



Want adventure? Follow Alice into Wonderland

Lewis Carroll wrote it but he was really a man

Called Charles Dodgson, a professor who wrote books on maths



Got books for you; Secret Garden will excite you

Peter Pan flies you to Neverland's shores

Head to OZ if you want to meet some munchkins

A colourful world, got its name from some drawers


Transport your mind, let it take flight

While you're curled up in your bedroom

Wear ballet shoes or learn to train your dragon

When you choose a book for you...


Between the covers, you can read about almost anything

The Hungry Caterpillar who eats every single thing

Though that guy was almost named Willi Worm

I was not expecting that (yup)


Each book you choose can introduce to a brand-new place

Like an Enid Blyton classic starring Moonface

And she wrote hundreds more cos she wrote 10,000 words in a day

If you read that many think where they could take you!


Books for you; The Worst Witch isn't scary

Try Harry Potter if you like magic schools

Any book you choose, Pippi Longstocking

A strong girl makes the grown-ups look like fools


Roald Dahl will make the time fly by

Did you know he was a fighter pilot and a spy?

From giant peaches to glass elevators

Books can really move you


Books can make you emotional

And take you somewhere you never go

You can read them all on your own

And suddenly you don't feel alone


Books for you, Wimpy Kid's diary will charm you

Disarm you and it is sure to make you laugh

Any books will do, try a Mary Norton

The Borrowers will make themselves at home


Goosebumps will give you a few frights

Northern Lights will shine its magic on you

No matter the story, this is really your read

There's so many books for you!


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