F-F-F-Founding Fathers
Meet America's Founding Fathers - George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton. Together they bring a new constitution, a new system of government, and an epic pop ballad!
Dave Cohen
Series 8 Episode 12 (Mayflower Malarkey)
Whoa-oa-oa-oa-oa, F-f-f-founding Fathers.
My ancestors left England, life there they could not stand.
Our gramps and grans left too for a new life in a new land.
The Franklin clan held on 'till dad said, 'Franklin, time to go'.
At 17 I set sail to where revolution was starting to grow.
Us colonists were rising up; no longer Brits, we'd had enough;
No tax without representation; time to rise with our nation.
We led the revolution; dump Britain, the solution.
Older, wiser, stronger, smarter; each of us a Founding Father.
I wrote the bill of independence
I led troops to win through defence
I did news; army admin; together we founding dads went
Whoa-oa-oa-oa-oa, F-f-f-founding Fathers.
We each brought different talents to the running of the state
I wrote the law; I won the war; and I was simply great.
I came up with the swivel chair. Think you're a clever bot?
I built a stove, invented bifocals and the lightning rod.
Making stuff, a skill I lack
I guess I'll raise a load of tax
I'll win their trust; I'll write down facts;
Unite the Sates; I play my axe!
Start a revolution with a proper constitution
You try hard, we'll try harder
Each of us a Founding Father.
True we may be your ascendant; now that we are independent
Do more trade; we'll grow crops
Come on we're the founding pops.
Whoa-oa-oa-oa-oa, F-f-f-founding Fathers.
We disagreed on loads, but on one thing we all chime
We're gonna make America great for the first time.
Started with revolution, American evolution
Seeing off the English baddies, yes, we are the founding daddies.
Not bad for a group of lads; welcome to the founding dads
Got no time for father-haters; all praise to the founding paters.
Whoa-oa-oa-oa-oa, F-f-f-founding Fathers...
Whoa-oa-oa-oa-oa, F-f-f-founding Fathers.