Meet the famous Celtic Queen who fearlessly revolted against the Romans. Don't mess with Boudicca!
Alternative rock
Dave Cohen / Ben Ward
Series 2 Episode 10
Gonna cause a stink, won’t be the first to blink
I’m not who you think, don’t mess with me, I’m Boudicca!
My husband Presotagus died, he was a Celtic king
I was his queen, so due to me was half of everything.
Roman law gave half to me so half was what they got
‘Till their nasty soldiers came and took the blessed lot.
Hey mister! I say you got the wrong end of the stick -
His answer turned this sister into one angry chick.
No man, Roman’ll push around this woman
You won’t get far, with Boudicca.
Foe man, yeoman, smash the Roman foe man
All say yah. Yah! Boudicca!
I built a massive army, headed straight for the city
Beat ’em all with ease and like me, it wasn’t pretty.
Chopped ’em and hacked but what made their red blood curl
Bad enough being beaten – but beaten by a girl?
Whacked ’em, smacked ’em, boy how we attacked ’em
Near and far, ha ha ha!
Flayed ’em, slayed ’em up and down parade ’em
Boudicca! Toughest by far.
Colchester, London, St. Albans
Everybody talk about dead Romans.
We marched on up the Roman road that’s known as Watling Street
They trapped us in the forest then thrashed us to our defeat.
By now you’d guessed I’m not the kind of girl to sit and cry
Be sold a slave to Romans? You know I’d rather die.
They tried to take me prisoner so I led the Roman boys on
Instead of giving in to them I swallowed special poison.
Martyr, smarter, capture a non-starter
This was our last hurrah
Slaughtered, dismembered, our tribe always remembered
Boudicca, superstar.
Boudicca! Superstar.