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Owain Glyndŵr: First Prince of Wales

The story of the 12th century soldier who led a 15 year Welsh revolt against the English.


Tom Jones parody, feat. Delilah and Kiss


Richie Webb


Series 5 Episode 7


I'm a welsh noble, I mobilised Wales against the English

(He is Owain Glyndwr)
Fought King Henry Four because Wales abhorred English rule

(It's not unusual)
But my uprising, it went a bit wrong and this song tells the surprising tale.

Owain Glyndwr
Welsh hero of the hour.
It all began 'cos my neighbour, a vindictive man,
Baron Grey De Ruthen was spreading untrue things 'bout me.

Said I was a rebel who planned to repel England's king

(From the green grass of home)
Not really true but more than a few were convinced

(We were ready to fight)
So, I decided to take up the mantle, was given the handle of Prince
Of Wales.

You don't have to be Welsh to feel Welsh pride
Even kingsman Henry Hotspur ended up on my side.
We claimed Welsh ground, then in Hereford rain meant
The king nearly drowned, washed away in his tent.
So partly thanks to Welsh weather I was crowned

Think I'm gonna dance now!

I had great plans for new government, new law and churches

(So what's new, pussycat?)
But Henry the Fourth had dried off and revenge was his game

(Thought that he'd help himself)
We were defeated, he blocked supplies to Wales
Our crops failed and starvation came.

Owain Glyndwr!
My family sent to the tower
As Welsh towns fell, and we all know that never ends well.
So I disappeared but my name is revered throughout Wales.

Owain Glyndwr!
Father of the fight for Welsh power.
Welsh legend holds that should Wales ever need someone bold
I'll rise up to help them, mind you, I'm six hundred years old.

Henffych well i'are arwr mawr Cymru
Owain Glyndwr!


Horrible Histories Series 3 Episode 3-33-Measly Middle Ages-SONG-William Wallace, Scottish

William Wallace, Scottish Rebel

Horrible Histories Series 6 Episode 2- Awesome Alfred the Great-King Alfred song10.png

I'm out of Town

Horrible Histories Series 5 Episode 10-Promotional Image.png

Gimme Gimme Crown


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