We're Grateful
Throughout history animals have helped, provided for and even fought alongside humankind. And it's time we showed how grateful we are, in song. Thanks for the poo!
You're Welcome from Moana
Richie Webb
Series 8 Episode 6 (Bizarre Beasts)
(OK, hey, animals?)
It’s thanks to you we ended up here
The wolf joined our pack and things started to change.
Fur for warmth, meat to eat, family safe
So helpful! How did we cope before this exchange?
Homes were built and crops matured
We kept warm and cooked food thanks to manure.
Milk and cheese, yoghurt too - leather shoes
So, thank you for that wonderful poo.
What can we say except we’re so grateful
For the poo and the food and the fur?
What can we say except we’re so thankful
For the woofs, moos, neighs and the purrs?
Who protects us? Keeps mice of the rye?
Dogs and cats prowling by (yeah, those guys).
When we need warmth and love, a friend who’ll always be there –
That’s what my cat does.
Also, you make a house a home.
We’re grateful.
I make this spoon out of your bone.
Pigs and sheep, hens and goats
Joined the crew; we couldn’t live like this without you.
What can we say except we’re so grateful
For how you’ve helped humanity?
I hope its OK if I say we’re thankful
From the whale to the tiniest bee.
We’re grateful, we’re grateful.
(Well, when you think of it - )
It’s no wonder we worship you, look at the wins you’ve helped us humans do
Your fur, your skin, your wool stopped our bodies from getting too cool.
We tamed the donkey, tamed the ox, now we can move food on these magical rocks.
We bred different horses for speed and gallantry, now when there’s war we can call in a cavalry.
In lands where we couldn’t survive domestication helped us to thrive.
Look where we we’re now thanks to pig, horse and cow
You keep me alive, let me give you five!
What can we say except we’re so grateful
For the help and the food in my pot?
It’s even OK you gave us influenza;
Not so keen on measles and smallpox
But we’re thankful, we’re thankful.