Series 8 Episode 9 Heroic Home Front
Broadcast: Monday 16th September 2019 (CBBC 5:30pm / on iPlayer from 9th September)
Summary: Marking the eightieth anniversary of the outbreak of World War II, Horrible Histories looks at how the war affected those left back home in the UK, on the home front. Featuring Churchill's secret loo, the heroic 'ATA Girls' and German spies being caught out by their delicious sausages
Sketches: Written by Ben Ward, Jack Bernhardt, Madeline Brettingham, Lucy Clarke, The Dawson Brothers, Susie Donkin, Sophie Duker, Ben Partridge, Daniel Peak and Claire Wetton
HHTV News: After the declaration of war, panicked measures are taken at home to prepare for a not-so-imminent Nazi invasion.
A group of overly-polite British soldiers delay their own rescue.
The Nazis carefully orchestrate Operation Sea Lion to avoid damaging places in the UK that they have previously been to on holiday.
HHTV News: We see how the blackout during the Blitz affected everyday life.
Advertisement for required-by-law gas masks.
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth refuse to leave Buckingham Palace while London is being bombed, despite being advised to head to Canada by their staff.
We meet the "ATA Girls", the heroic women of the Air Transport Auxiliary led by Pauline Gower.
Song: GIs Have It - When the Americans joined the Allies and started arriving in Britain in 1942, they brought with them a lot of rationed things that hadn't been seen for years.
A group of women relaxing after work trade horror stories about their work conditions.
Two less-than-inconspicuous German spies try to sneak their way into Britain.
A woman reads a heavily-censored letter from her soldier sweetheart.
Winston Churchill holds conversations with American president Roosevelt in his secret loo.
Song: VE Day - On the 8th May 1945 the Nazis surrendered and victory in Europe was declared. The Allies celebrated the end of a six year world war and the VE Day parties went on for quite some time!
Cast & crew: See Series 8 page
Episode quiz: How much do you remember?
Episode photos: