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Series 8 Episode 15 Beastly Bodily Functions special

Broadcast: Monday 3rd August 2020 (CBBC 5:25pm)


Summary: Doctors Chris and Xand van Tulleken join Rattus for a selection of old and new sketches relating to bodies. Including a Viking makeover, why you shouldn't hold your farts in and the Victorian steam-powered gyms.


Highlights special: Written by Ben Wad, Madeline Brettingham, Lucy Clarke, Dave Cohen, Howard Davison, The Dawson Brothers, Daniel Peak and Claire Wetton


  • Three cavemen make a video where they take on the Cow Milk Challenge (from S08E06)

  • Yummy Planet: Charles Darwin tries to resist eating the animals on his nature programme (from S08E6)

  • Viking Eye for a Saxon Guy: Two vikings glam up a Saxon peasant (from S08E02)

  • There's a new trend at the court of Elizabeth I: looking exactly like the queen (from S08E02)

  • Victorian pro-beard activists barge into a barbers shop in attempt to save another beard.

  • Song: Get Sweaty - He might be known for being 'larger than life', but surprisingly Henry VIII used to love to Get Sweaty (from S08E11)

  • Zander advertises his Amazing Steam-Powered Exercise Machines, the Victorian equivalent of today's gyms, but with even more clothes on.

  • A man desperate not to be rude in front of the Roman Emperor dies in a rather unusual way (from S08E04)

  • Paulina Pepys is grateful to her brother Samuel when he offers a roof over her head, at least until she learns about the conditions (from S08E05)

  • Winston Churchill holds conversations with American president Roosevelt in his secret loo (from S08E09)

  • The Apollo 10 crew is faced with the horror of someone's poo floating around in the cockpit (from S08E07)

Cast & crew: See Series 8 page


Episode quiz: How much do you remember?


Episode photos:












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