Series 8 Episode 14 Fantastic Firsts special
Broadcast: Monday 27th July 2020 (CBBC 5:25pm)
Summary: A special show featuring some of history’s greatest firsts, including the first ever library, Olympic Games, people on the moon and rat roller-skating on TV!
Highlights special: Written by Ben Ward, Dave Cohen, The Dawson Brothers, Susie Donkin, Gabby Hutchinson Crouch, Max Olesker and Henri Ward.
Song: King Tut's Haul - Fashion Pharaoh Tutankhamen shows you round his tomb and how to look good in the afterlife (from S08E02)
Emporio Anubis presents Fat-Head, the Egyptian perfumed wax cone that's placed on your head and melts throughout the day (advertisement) (from S08E02)
The world's very first library, the Library of Alexandria, opens to the pubic for a one-off. But does it have funny cat pictures?
Historical PR: Sophie and Sebastian help excite the ancient Festival of Zeus by turning into the Olympics (from S08E11)
America: Who really discovered the continent? (film trailer) (from S08E12)
John Cabot keeps his social media followers fresh with his voyage to America - and more importantly, massive fish (from S08E12)
The keeper of Elizabeth I's menagerie suggests that maybe the various exotic animals in it are starting to outgrow the Tower of London (from S08E06)
Song: The Earth Spins Round the Sun - The terrific astronomical trio of Copernicus, Issac Newton and Galileo explain how they each came to their universal scientific conclusions (from S08E07)
Two Macaronis compare outfits before finding out their third compatriot has changed his style (from S08E02)
A Public Service Broadcast For Ladies is taken over by some first female pilots, on account of the sexism not being true.
Song: Flying to the Moon - The Space Race is on and President JF Kennedy wants to put a man on the moon because it is there – but so does Nikita Krhushchev (from S08E07)
Cast & crew: See Series 8 page
Episode photos: