Series 8 Episode 12 Mayflower Malarkey
Broadcast: Monday 14th September 2020 (CBBC 5:25pm)
Summary: Queen Elizabeth I loses a colony, social media sensation Zack Septic-Tank plays through the Boston Tea Party, the Founding Fathers sing, and a host of plucky Puritans star in a show marking 400 years since the Mayflower’s famous voyage.
Sketches: Written by Ben Ward, Lucy Clarke, Dave Cohen, Gabby Hutchinson Crouch, Max Olesker and Daniel Peak.
America: Who really discovered the continent? (film trailer)
John Cabot keeps his social media followers fresh with his voyage to America - and more importantly, massive fish
Elizabeth I is not happy that her own colony, Roanoke, has disappeared!
HHTV News: Puritans set sail to the New World (twice!)
Mayflower Cruises: The one-way journey of a life-time abroad the Mayflower (advertisement)
On board the Mayflower voyage, Puritans set out their plans for the New World - but will things be better?
The origins of Thanksgiving, as two Pilgrim Fathers meet their Native Americans neighbours.
Puritan mums have a discussion about baby names.
GameTube: Zack Septic-Tank plays through the Boston Tea Party and starts a war (parody of jacksepticeye).
George Washington rallies his troops and reminds them which side they're on!
Writing his Declaration of Independence, things get awkward between Thomas Jefferson and his slaves.
Historical Design: Sophie and Sebastian drop in to think up a title for America's new leader
Song: F-F-F-Founding Fathers - Meet America's Founding Fathers - George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton. Together they bring a new constitution, a new system of government, and an epic pop ballad!
Cast & crew: See Series 8 page
Episode photos: