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Series 7 Episode 11 Formidable Florence Nightingale

Broadcast: Thursday 8th March 2018 (CBBC 7pm)


Summary: A tribute to Florence Nightingale. The programme charts how Florence revolutionised medicine and the treatment of the sick during the Crimean War, but also how she also unwittingly sparked the public's desire for trinkets and tat featuring her image.




  • "Florence Nightingale - The Lady with the Lamp": Florence Nightingale isn't pleased by how obsessed people are with her lamp (movie trailer parody).

  • Florence and the man at the career office have different ideas about the ideal career for her.

  • Historical Sun, Sea & Suspicious Parents: Florence's family sends her on a tour around the world to discourage her nursing dreams (parody of Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents).

  • Lord Cardigan's Crimean War X-Treme Survival: The Earl of Cardigan gives advice on how to find food, stay warm, and find shelter in the Crimean War.

  • Come to the Crimea: Watch soldiers drown and have picnics by the battlefield at the site of the Crimean War (advertisement).

  • A soldier is desperate not to be taken to a place that means certain death: the hospital.

  • Song: All About This Base - Florence Nightingale arrives to clean up the hospitals and give the soldiers the treatment they deserve - no wonder she was so popular there!

  • A couple honeymooning in Crimea have a reservation at Mary Seacole's British Hotel, but find it's not what they expected.

  • The Florence Nightingale School of Nursing: For the first time, women can take up nursing as an actual career, but Florence won't employ just anyone (advertisement).

  • Embarrassing Victorian Bodies: A Victorian woman goes to extreme measures to look thinner and paler.

  • Cartomania: A new Victorian card collecting game featuring pictures of celebrities.

  • Florence is very annoyed by the merchandise and attention that come with her new-found fame.

  • A visit to the elderly Florence's "office" goes awry thanks to her many cats.

  • Song: I Brought About - From the hospitals of Crimea to a revolution of nursing and healthcare, Florence Nightingale sings about her battle to bring about change, despite a lack of support, nurses and the social norm; nothing stopped the lady with the lamp.

Cast & crew: See Series 7 page


Episode photos:











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