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British Queen Boudica turns against her Roman masters and unleashes her wrecking ball on Colchester, St Albans and London as the Cut-Throat Celts and Rotten Romans war against each other and their own unique, and sometimes odd, beliefs and ways of living. Meanwhile, across the world, famous emperors Caligula and Nero, dish out their own unique brand of Imperial nastiness.


Monday 13th July 2015


Lorna Watson


Jalaal Hartley

Tom Stourton

Jessica Ransom

Adam Riches

Naz Osmanoglu

Jim Howick

Simon Farnaby

Katherine Jakeways

Jason Lewis


Beth Chalmers

Dave Cohen

Justin Edwards

Benjamin Partridge

George Sawyer

Amy Shindler

Ben Ward

Daniel Maier

EDITORS: Adam Windmill, Will Peverett

PRODUCERS: Tom Miller, Joshua Grant, Kelly Li, Henri Ward

DIRECTORS: Simon Gibney, Ian Curtis

PUPPETEER: John Eccleston               ANIMATION: Tim Searle, Studio 43

COMPOSER: Richie Webb                 HISTORICAL CONSULTANT: Greg Jenner



British Queen Boudica turns against her Roman masters and unleashes her wrecking ball on Colchester, St Albans and London as the Cut-Throat Celts and Rotten Romans war against each other and their own unique, and sometimes odd, beliefs and ways of living. Meanwhile, across the world, famous emperors Caligula and Nero, dish out their own unique brand of Imperial nastiness.


Cut-Throat Celts

Ave! Magazine: Boudica's Roman lifestyle

Fit Brit Celtic Boudica’s lives the luxurious Roman life

Rotten Romans

History’s Craziest Fools: Emperor Caligula

ruel Caligula threatens to kill his guests when they don’t clap loudly at a play, or when he’s joking-which is difficult to tell when!

Cut-Throat Celts

Prasutagus dies and Boudica turns against the Romans

Boudica’s loss of her husband has unexpected consequences when Boudica turns against her loved Roman lifestyle

Cut-Throat Celts

The Celts and the Romans

A Roman family move next door to a Celtic family, and one another don’t quite appreciate each other’s traditions!

Cut-Throat Celts

Grand Destructions: Colchester

Boudica’s plan to bash the Romans starts with knocking down Colchester and setting it alight!

Cut-Throat Celts

SONG: Wreck ‘Em All

Raging against the Romans, Celtic Queen Boudica sets of the destroy the Romans, taking back London, St. Albans and Colchester, starting a war against them-but did she intend too?

Rotten Romans

Historical Desktops: Emperor Nero

Emperor Nero doesn’t seem bothered at first by Boudicca, but when you dislike his Boo-Tube videos you’re History!

Cut-Throat Celts

Historical Clinic: Dr. Quzhy-hoch

Cough medicine is out of the question for a Celtic druid-eating mice and bathing in an ox’s blood is much more realistic

Cut-Throat Celts

Battle of the Day: The Battle of Watling Street

The Rotten Romans outnumbered, fight the Cut-Throat Celts in-closed! A gory battle, where Chris Staycalmer reports, whilst in the studio the death of the dogs is remised

Cut-Throat Celts

Chatty Death: Queen Boudica

Boudica talks about her struggle against the Romans whilst Death learns how funny his skeleton friends can be

More Savage Songs

SONG: Wreck 'Em All

Parody of "Wrecking Ball" by Miley Cyrus

Raging against the Romans, Celtic Queen Boudica sets of the destroy the Romans, taking back London, St. Albans and Colchester, starting a war against them-but did she intend too?


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