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A special episode of the historical sketch show about Queen Victoria, starring Sarah Hadland. We meet young Vicky as she becomes queen aged only 18, marries her true love Albert and has to put up with the open sewers at the not-so-luxurious Buckingham Palace.


Monday 27th July 2015


Sarah Hadland


Jalaal Hartley

Tom Stourton

Jessica Ransom

Adam Riches

Naz Osmanoglu

Jim Howick

Simon Farnaby

Bhavna Limbacha

Sanjeev Baskhar


Lucy Clarke

Dave Cohen

Justin Edwards

Greg Jenner

Benjamin Partridge

Howard Read

George Sawyer

Ben Ward

Daniel Maier

EDITORS: Adam Windmill, Will Peverett

PRODUCERS: Tom Miller, Joshua Grant, Kelly Li, Henri Ward

DIRECTORS: Simon Gibney, Ian Curtis

PUPPETEER: John Eccleston               ANIMATION: Tim Searle, Studio 43

COMPOSER: Richie Webb                 HISTORICAL CONSULTANT: Greg Jenner



A special episode of the historical sketch show about Queen Victoria, starring Sarah Hadland. We meet young Vicky as she becomes queen aged only 18, marries her true love Albert and has to put up with the open sewers at the not-so-luxurious Buckingham Palace. Meanwhile, across the world, we catch up with Australian outlaw Ned Kelly and discover plans for the Great Hedge of India. Yes, hedge! With, of course, our host Rattus to guide the way!


Vile Victorians

Young Queen Victoria's speech

The young Queen’s speech unexpectedly turns into a temper tantrum

Vile Victorians

Then Magazine: Vicky's marriage to Albert

Queen Vicky’s marriage to Albert isn’t the most romantic love story, what with Vicky’s unfinished portrait and Albert fainting

Vile Victorians

Vicky’s Palace Secrets

Vicky shows us her palace and how pleasant it is too live there, with rats, cold draughts and thieving boys!

Vile Victorians

Queen Victoria's shocking art

Queen Vicky’s art collection proves more than Albert can handle with naked necks and knees on display!

Vile Victorians

Historical Clinic: Dr. Morgan

Dr. Morgan, a Victorian surgeon’s idea of sanitation is not so sanitary

Vile Victorians

SONG: Empress of India

She owns the biggest empire the world has ever seen, and although India has become part of that, Queen Victoria refuses to go to there, no matter how much Disraeli tries to convince her!

Vile Victorians

Historical Grand Designs: The Great Hedge of India

Breaking up India with a massive hedge sounds like an interesting plan, but reality isn’t that great

Vile Victorians

History’s Craziest Fools: Ned Kelly

The Australian outlaw was definetley crazy but also had some nifty ideas!

Vile Victorians

Women and bicycles

One hopeless man attempts to stop the women he often proposes marriage too from riding away on a bicycle with some odd ideas in his book about bicycles and women

Vile Victorians

Chatty Death: Queen Victoria

Queen Vicky talks about her record-breaking reign and her mournful later life

More Savage Songs

SONG: Empress of India

Bollywood parody

She owns the biggest empire the world has ever seen, and although India has become part of that, Queen Victoria refuses to go to there, no matter how much Disraeli tries to convince her!


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