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A special episode of the historical sketch show about Winston Churchill, starring Jim Howick. We follow Churchill from a young soldier in India during the time of Queen Victoria, through the First World War, to victory in World War II and finally to his retirement in the Swinging Sixties - what a journey!


Monday 20th July 2015

Simon Farnaby

Dominique Moore

Giles Terera

Natalie Walter

Bhavna Limbachia

Sanjeev Baskhar


Jim Howick


Jalaal Hartley

Tom Stourton

Jessica Ransom

Adam Riches

Naz Osmanoglu


Beth Chalmers

Chris Chantler

Dave Cohen

Toby Davies

Justin Edwards

Gerard Foster

Barunka O'Shaughnessy

Benjamin Partridge

Howard Read

George Sawyer

Amy Shindler

Ben Ward

Daniel Maier

EDITORS: Adam Windmill, Will Peverett

PRODUCERS: Tom Miller, Joshua Grant, Kelly Li, Henri Ward

DIRECTORS: Simon Gibney, Ian Curtis

PUPPETEER: John Eccleston               ANIMATION: Tim Searle, Studio 43

COMPOSER: Richie Webb                 HISTORICAL CONSULTANT: Greg Jenner


AP ARCHIVE – GETTY IMAGES - Photo: Sergeant Tom Robinson RCL/MOD via Wikimedia - Speeches courtesy of Curtis Brown on behalf of the estates of Sir Winston Churchill


A special episode of the historical sketch show about Winston Churchill, starring Jim Howick. We follow Churchill from a young soldier in India during the time of Queen Victoria, through the First World War, to victory in World War II and finally to his retirement in the Swinging Sixties - what a journey! Meanwhile, across the world, we meet the American soldier literally spreading propaganda around the battlefields, and learn about Gandhi's more eccentric side. With, of course, our host Rattus to guide the way!


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Diary of a Winston Kid

Churchill advertises for his Diary of a Winston Kid book, telling us about his exciting adventures in India and Africa (Advertisement)

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Churchill doesn’t count the cost of designing his home, which doesn’t please his wife!

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Painting Adrian Carton de Wiart

Adrian Carton de Wiart’s injuries make painting a portrait of him difficult

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Historical Voice: Winston Churchill

Winston convinces the judges he has the voice, with his famous speeches broadcast via radio

Parody of The Voice UK

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History’s Craziest Fools: Wartime Leaders

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Working for Churchill

Working at 10 Downing Street for Churchill isn’t as easy as it sounds

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SONG: Your Finest Hour

Although he won the war, Churchill was beaten at the following election. He sings about his war efforts and how he got Britain to pull through, reaching his final hour

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Tellybox: Churchill & Clementine

Churchill doesn’t quite keep up to date with all the modern rage

Parody of Gogglebox

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Chatty Death: Sir Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill talks about all the hard work he did for the war effort and is pleased with how he is remembered

SONG: Your Finest Hour

Parody of "My Way" by Frank Sinatra

Although he won the war, Churchill was beaten at the following election. He sings about his war efforts and how he got Britain to pull through, reaching his final hour

More Savage Songs


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