Series 4 Episode 6
Broadcast: Friday 20th April 2012 (CBBC 5pm)
Summary: A confused Christopher Columbus declares he has found India and a Georgian woman reveals her very Stupid Death. Also, Victoria and Albert attend the Great Exhibition, and Tsar Peter III brings a very weird case to the Court of Historical Law.
Written by: Dave Cohen, Ali Crockatt, Gerard Foster, Giles Pilbrow, Steve Punt, Laurence Rickard, David Scott and Ben Ward
Cast & crew: See Series 4 page

Columbus discovers...
Christopher Columbus insists to a sceptical crewman that he's discovered India and mermaids

HH Movie Pitch: Leif Ericsson
Leif Ericsson tries to explain that the film he's pitching about discovering America before Columbus isn't a fantasy.

HHTV Royalty Today: Henry II's pilgrimage to Canterbury as penance for the death of Thomas Becket

Cash My Sin
All your misdeeds can now be forgiven for the right price with Cash My Sin (infomercial).

Court of Historical Law: Tsarevich Peter III accusing a Rat

Stupid Deaths: Hannah Twynnoy

Roman salary
A legionary on payday is dismayed to discover that he's on the wrong end of the controversy surrounding the origins of the word "salary"

Recruiting for the Roman Army
A reluctant army conscript comes up with some truly creative - if not very original - excuses to avoid service

GodCompare advert
GodCompare helps Gaulish warriors decide to which of their pantheon to sacrifice a prisoner
(Parody of Go Compare advertisements).

The Great Exhibition
Queen Victoria is exposed to some of the bugs - and birds - still to be worked out on a pre-opening tour of The Great Exhibition.

SONG: Victoria & Albert: A Love Ballad
Queen Victoria and husband Albert serenade us with their love story