Series 4 Episode 4
Broadcast: Thursday 12th April 2012 (CBBC 5pm)
Summary: HHTV's war reporter Mike Peabody regrets his decision to cover the Norman Siege of Palermo, the Pilgrim Fathers rap about Jamestown in America and a German submarine captain has the worst toilet accident in history.
Written by: Dave Cohen, Gerard Foster, Giles Pilbrow, Steve Punt, Laurence Rickard, Colin Swash and Ben Ward
Cast & crew: See Series 4 page

Spartan phalanx formation
Spartans have the battle phalanx planned out - until the warrior on the end notices a problem

Telling the full story of the General's badly thought-through betrayal
Film trailer

HHTV News: Mike Peabody live from the Norman siege of Palermo.

Stupid Deaths: Gyrth and Leofwine
King Harold II's brothers, at the Battle of Hastings

Words We Get From the Normans

Colonisation, Colonisation, Colonisation
The first settlers at Jamestown, Virginia
In 1620 the Pilgrim Fathers sailed to America and became the first settlers, but survival in the New World was challenging...

Don't wake the Fuhrer
Hitler's guards refuse to disturb his lie-in for anything - even the news of D-Day

Dodgy War Machines No. 81
Poor toilet planning on the U-Boat (animated)

Historical Apprentice: Team Neanderthal v Team Homo Sapiens
Two Stone Age teams compete to prove who is more advanced

Victorian ice-cream

DI Bones: Historical Crime Squad: The case of the dodgy slum diet