HHTV News brings you live reports directly from the past. Including Mike Peabody getting stuck in the middle of battles, Bob Hale's speedy summaries of eras of history and a range of reporters going face to face with some of history's biggest names.
Martha Howe-Douglas is Sam
Laurence Rickard is Bob Hale
Ben Willbond is Mike Peabody
Alice Lowe is Jessia Harvey-Smythe
Jessica Ransom is Katy Woe
Tom Stourton is Robin Pecil
Click here to see a set of special reports show on BBC One
1. Charles I’s execution (S01E03)
2. Taking a census from the Domesday book (S01E05)
3. English Civil War breaks out (S01E11)
4. The public execution of escape artist Jack Sheppard (SO2EO4)
5. King Henry VIII plays tennis while his wife Anne Boleyn is executed (SO2E11)
6. William the Conqueror’s Christmas crowning riot (S02E14)
7. Live from a schoolboy strike in Llanelli (S05E10)
8. The coronation of King John (S06E01)
9. Prince Regent announced (S06E08)
10. Charles Dickens arrives in America (2016E02)
11. The Great Fire of London breaks out (2016E03)
12. The Great Fire of London Day Two (2016E03)
13. The Great Fire of London is put out (2016E03)
14. The British Royal Wedding of 1736 (S07E03)
15. Greek statue 'vandals' (S07E04)
16. Pocahontas delivers a speech (S07E05)
17. The Russian Revolution begins (S07E09)
18. The Soviet Union declares war on the west (S07E09)
19. Love Day comes in the War of the Roses (S07E12)
20. Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee (S08E01)
21. The Emu Wars (S08E06)
22. The outbreak of WWII on the home front (S08E09)
1. The Roman Report (S01E04)
2. The Stone Age Report (S01E05)
3. The British Empire Report (S01E11)
4. The Viking Report (S01E13)
5. The Crusades Report (S02E05)
6. The Civil War Report (S02E07)
7. The Incan Report (S02E09)
8. The Catholic Report (S02E11)
9. The French Revolution Report (S03E03)
10. The Tutankhamen Report (S03E05)
11. The War of the Roses Report (S03E06)
12. The American Report (S03E07)
13. The Anglo-Saxon Report (S03E10)
14. The Human Evolution Report (S04E02)
15. The Renaissance Report (S04E05)
16. The Roman Britain Report (S04E09)
17. The Napoleon Report (S04E12)
18. The Mary Queen of Scots Report (S05E03)
19. The World War Two Report (S05E07)
20. The Space Report (S05E12)
21. The World War One Report (S05E15)
The Sport Relief Report (Sport Relief 2012)
The Thames Report (Diamond Jubilee 2012)
The Referendum Report (BBC: The One Show)
1. The Great Plague of London (S01E09)
2. The Battle of Thermopylae (S01E10)
3. The Battle of Marston Moor (S02E07)
4. The Battle of Maldon (S03E02)
5. The storming of the Bastille (S03E08)
6. The Norman siege of Palermo (S04E04)
7. The last Saxon stronghold on the Isle of Ely (S04E10)
8. Mike Peabody Reports from the Royal Albert Hall (BBC Proms)