This page is about HH The Movie, so not all songs here are 100% accu-rat. To return to the main songs page click here.
Horrible Histories The Movie: Rotten Romans songs
These songs tend to focus on the historical side to the story and are generally accurate following the usual TV show theme.
A reprise of the original song as Celtic Queen Boudicca rises up aganist the Romans after they take everything she owns.
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Isn't it Funny (How I Don't Need My Mummy)
Emperor Nero has set his mothers boat to drown so he can finally rule Rome without his mum intefering.
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Boudicca Reprise
A reprise to the original Boudicca song of the film as Boudicca's supporters grow rapidly.
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The Battle of Watling Street
Boudicca's Celtic army outnumber the mighty Roman army by ten as they prepare for an easy victory. But the Romans prepare to take on the odds with their bottleneck and put an end to Boudicca's uprising.
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There's No Place Like Rome
Home to beautiful marble statues and flushing toilets, Rome is where the heart of the mighty Roman Empire is.
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These songs tend to focus on the plot of the film and not written to be historically accurate.
Orla All Alone (I Miss You)
Orla and Atti are separated and begin to realise how much they miss each other.
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Sharing's Good (The Finale Song)
Although they have very different lifestyles, the Celts and Romans learn living side-by-side is not so bad and sharing is actually pretty good.
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Time Flies
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